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Full Version: Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F [BLJM60527]
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Some good and bad news.

Good news: The game initializes really well now, creates ~500 mutexes, loads 4 textures, several threads, audio, you name it.

Bad news: Doesn't display anything, not even a frame rate. Just a white gsframe. This is maybe because a few strange commands such as cellVideoOutGetScreenSize and the usual gcm stuff if we are lucky though. Considering how insanely much stuff it loads for like 2 minutes I am positive it would display loading screens and logos during this time if it could.

Eventually seems to end with [E : Fragment Shader Decompiler Thread]: Unknown opcode 0x2f (inst 0)

The curious can take a look at the massive log.

he want say (i think), use pastebin.com
I think it tries to draw some 3D now (!) Though there are a few errors of course... Interestingly, the currently loaded texture is at address 0x0 which can't be right.

[E : RSXThread]: glPolygonMode: opengl error 0x0506
[E : RSXThread]: glDrawArrays: opengl error 0x0506

ssshadow, just waiting more GCM implementing(
(03-21-2014, 01:06 AM)fenix0082 Wrote: [ -> ]ssshadow, just waiting more GCM implementing(

Indeed we are...


Man, I feel so useless on forums like these, especially since I know nothing of coding.. >-<; but I look forward to when this emulator becomes capable of at least running this game in a playable state.


RPCS3 v0.0.0.9-3-805c778

GTX 950M
PPU Interpreter : Fast
SPU Decoder : Recompiler ASMJIT
Render : DX12
Frame Limit : Auto
VSync enabled
Audio : XAudio2

Shows loading screens and then infinite black loading screen

This thread made my eyes sparkle :
But I can't find anywhere to download the LLE modules (even after looking here : http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=174352 ) so no LLE modules loaded.

I wonder if this will be able to be half-playable such as
with the LLE modules.

Relative log : http://pastebin.com/JFSPiBuL
Nice forum and thank you again for your efforts !


(05-17-2016, 11:15 PM)UN-known-was-her? Wrote: [ -> ]RPCS3 v0.0.0.9-3-805c778

GTX 950M
PPU Interpreter : Fast
SPU Decoder : Recompiler ASMJIT
Render : DX12
Frame Limit : Auto
VSync enabled
Audio : XAudio2

Shows loading screens and then infinite black loading screen

This thread made my eyes sparkle :
But I can't find anywhere to download the LLE modules (even after looking here : http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=174352 ) so no LLE modules loaded.

I wonder if this will be able to be half-playable such as
with the LLE modules.

Relative log : http://pastebin.com/JFSPiBuL
Nice forum and thank you again for your efforts !

Duplicate thread. Please use the search functionality. As for LLE modules, I replied to you in the newcomer's guide.


Thank you Smile


(05-18-2016, 07:11 AM)UN-known-was-her? Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you Smile

it need the dmux and dmux_pamf LLE modules then will reach title screen
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