RPCS3 Forums

Full Version: Happy to help! (Support related)
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Right, There is a bit of mix and match on who actually knows what unless you are a veteran to the forums. So.

If you are a constant contributor, full of knowledge in certain areas, Please post and tell us how you contribute and how you will help others. I will start.

I am happy to help others when it comes to the configuration of RPCS3, and when it comes to LLEs and some logging, I will happily try to help you with setting up LLEs, where to get them (Vaguely) and to try and get a game working, however I am not 100% perfect on my opinions, and will ask you to not only pm me but please, post in the support section! This way we can work together on a fix.

While I am here, I am a friendly guy and will not snap or whatever at stupid questions, but please, use your head, and as always please use English where possible!

Also, Admins, Users, Whoever you are, Remember that we want to make RPCS3 and the forums a friendly place where people can enjoy themselves while contributing/testing/playing around, and the attitude towards users should always be a positive one based on cohesion with others, not clashing of opinions, off putting tones and so on.
I know at times it can be frustrating and annoying when you have to mention the same thing close to 100 times a day but hey, it's the internet!