Hi mates, it's passed a while that I not use rpcs3 , now I download the last version ( and even previous) but every game that I try to play they give me this error
[color=#FF4500]E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0039bf64]} cellAdec TODO: *** CellAdecParamAtracX: sr=0, ch_cfg=0(2), frame_size=0x0, extra=0x0, output=132, downmix=0, ats_header=1
They not show me opening video(blackscreen) but I have a sound and at a certain point the opening is skipped
and show me that main menu with very low fps
(02-04-2016, 05:36 PM)Alexander9000 Wrote: [ -> ]Hi mates, it's passed a while time that I not use rpcs3 , now I download the last version ( and even previous) but every game that I try to play they give me this error
[color=#FF4500]E {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x0039bf64]} cellAdec TODO: *** CellAdecParamAtracX: sr=0, ch_cfg=0(2), frame_size=0x0, extra=0x0, output=132, downmix=0, ats_header=1
They not show me opening video(blackscreen) but I have a sound and at a certain point the opening is skipped
and show me that main menu with very low fps 
What's the problem? Sounds very good that you even got the menu or audio or anything at all and that it didn't crash right away.
If you want to play a PS3 game, get a PS3. You need to obtain files from a legitimate PS3 to use the emulator anyways.
Ah.. ok thanks for help . When I wrote I " download the games" I meant the games that already I have, but i don't have blu ray write so i can't obtain iso from myself. But if in any case is not allowed.
I'm sorry
Yeah, I have problem too, I can't run anything trough emulator. No homebrew, no games it's shows only black screen. I tried changing configuration nothing help
My rig:
gtx 960
Windows 10 PRO
List of playable games.
Don't expect anything to work. It's still advised that you use DX12 renderer, as it's more accurate.
tambre why warning me ? The thread was for reporting issues. So :/ I'm sorry.
Yes I used newest version, I'm trying to launch bomberman ultimate for now.
Here's LOG:
Btw important question does I have configure settings from emulator or special from game ? 'Right Click GAame > Configure?' Thanks
(02-09-2016, 07:31 PM)Mindinis Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I used newest version, I'm trying to launch bomberman ultimate for now.
Here's LOG:
That's not the log;
You can find the log at your main folder: RPCS3.log and TTY.log.
You can zip them both and upload directly to the post.
(02-09-2016, 07:31 PM)Mindinis Wrote: [ -> ]Btw important question does I have configure settings from emulator or special from game ? 'Right Click GAame > Configure?' Thanks
That's only if you want to test with multiple games at once and you can to configure each one differently. The general config applies if you don't set anything there (I think, didn't test because I use the general config all the time).
(02-09-2016, 07:31 PM)Mindinis Wrote: [ -> ]tambre why warning me ? The thread was for reporting issues. So :/ I'm sorry.
Yes I used newest version, I'm trying to launch bomberman ultimate for now.
Here's LOG:
Btw important question does I have configure settings from emulator or special from game ? 'Right Click GAame > Configure?' Thanks
Because that explains how to report issues.
And you didn't even bother to read it, as you right now just failed to post necessary information for us to help you.
Don't really understand your question, it doesn't make grammatical sense to me. You can configure settings well... under settings. I think you can also configure different settings for each game, but I'm not sure how that works.
My English isn't very good. Here the files.