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Full Version: Capcom Arcade Cabinet [NPUB30769]
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Tested on recent master build. Shows "press start button" screen with broken graphics. Shows error dialog afterwards, probably, because game trying to load some custom .sprx module
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x003815b4]} sceNp: npDrmIsAvailable(): Found DRM license file at /dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30769/USRDIR/013/modules/libgotch_blackdragon.sprx
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x003815b4]} sceNp: npDrmIsAvailable(): Using k_licensee 0x036bad25595801cdca6e30319af7826ce
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x003815b4]} sceNp: npDrmIsAvailable(): Can't find RAP file for '/dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30769/USRDIR/013/modules/libgotch_blackdragon.sprx' (titleID='NPUB30769')
G: W {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x003815b4]} fs::file::open('D:/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/home/00000001/exdata', 0x1) failed: error 0x5
LDR: E {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x003815b4]} EDAT: D:/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUB30769/USRDIR/013/modules/libgotch_blackdragon.sprx has invalid NPD header or already decrypted.
HLE: E {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x00383354]} sys_prx TODO: sys_prx_load_module_on_memcontainer()
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x003306e8]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_destroy(mutex_id=0x1fa)
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00380ad4]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00380ad4]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00380ad4]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
TTY: load module common_ao.\n
TTY: load module cpu_m68k.\n
TTY: load module cpu_m68k_3.\n
TTY: load module cpu_z80.\n
TTY: load module cpu_z80_3.\n
TTY: load module cpu_m6502.\n
TTY: load module snddev_psg.\n
TTY: load module snddev_pcm.\n
TTY: load module snddrv_generic.\n
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00330658]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x213a6d30, attr=*0x213a6d38)
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x1] (main_thread)[0x00380ad4]} cellResc: cellRescSetWaitFlip()
HLE: W {PPU Thread[0x41] (MBgTaskManager)[0x00380f94]} cellGame: cellGameContentErrorDialog(type=101, errNeedSizeKB=0, dirName=*0x20001af8)


Game runs great to the moment when you press START to get to the main menu. It results in error dialog with white empty fields instead button and error text. But when you don't close the dialog you can observe that the renderer window is displaying active loading screen.

- libac3dec.prx
- libadec.prx
- libdmuxpamf.prx
- libpamf.prx
- libresc.prx
- librtc.prx
- libspurs_jq.prx
- libsre.prx
PPU Decoder: Interpreter (fast)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
Renderer: Vulkan

LOG: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8FgJK...Fc4cDNsZTg
Game Show Error Box Empty And No Work Emulator but game have FPS And Run In Backgrund

Convert to 16 bit: false
Dump to file: false
Renderer: XAudio2

Hook static functions: true
Load liblv2.sprx only: false

Load libraries:
- libresc.prx
- libsre.prx

PPU Decoder: Interpreter (precise)
SPU Decoder: Recompiler (ASMJIT)
RPCS3 v0.0.4-6334-71f69d1d4 Alpha | HEAD
Quote:·F 0:03:13.715329 {PPU[0x1000005] Thread (MBgTaskManager) [0x00330784]} class std::runtime_error thrown: Verification failed: 
(in file Emu\Cell\lv2\sys_cond.cpp:279)
[Image: od5IvFO.png]

Leaving this in Intro until you can reach ingame more reliably.
Playable as of test here: https://forums.rpcs3.net/thread-198493.html
Tested on RPCS3 v0.0.5-6696-dca6f1f86 Alpha

It can still be somewhat inconsistent, but if it fails try restarting the emu and it should work fine. Having verification errors was rare for me testing now.