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Full Version: Call of Duty Classic [NPEB00101]
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It should be fixed by latest build 0.0.6-8350

Sun light still not fixed.

[Image: 1076oad.png]

[Image: 2utokdz.png]
It's Not playable yet, as when loading after carenteen dark night mission it will crash and not let you play another level. Using The Mac Emulator with Vulkan.
RPCS3 v0.0.22-13575-2b325de6 Alpha | master
The game has improved, but as Tezuka said the game will not progress past the first mission; however, it doesn't result in a crash anymore. It will give you the victory screen only to send you to the main menu and when you resume the game it will put you back to your last save point of the mission. My log has the level being played up to that point and circumstances. Also dying once will hard crash the emulator and will be a problem for later missions (the clip below has an example towards the end). As for the game's state it can only run in 720p and has zero audio, zero performance (just a stable 60 fps now), and zero graphical issues. At least from what is possible to be seen and played. The emulator and the log does gives alot of errors for files, but nothing ingame seems or looks wrong.

Exactly What Vorg Has Said, I am now getting a game that just goes to the menu and won't let you get past a mission, not playable yet.
This Game Is Still Crashing at the main menu with after loading, no errors, just crashes?
Game is still not playable?? Cannot load pass the second mission??
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