(12-14-2015, 02:05 PM)tambre Wrote: [ -> ] (12-14-2015, 11:36 AM)Dante38490 Wrote: [ -> ] (12-13-2015, 10:44 PM)BlackDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]This is something, what wasn't mentioned before. Now devs agreed, that there is no reason to keep this private longer
So, how it's working:
1. First, you need to dump firmware sprx modules from your PS3 console (/dev_flash/sys/external), and place them to rpcs3\dev_flash\sys\external directory.
2. Then you need to decrypt them, also possible using RPCS3 (Boot ELF / SELF file).
3. Open "Config -> LLE Modules Manager", and select modules, which you want to LLE'd.
I have a problem, LLE not read folder "dev_flash\sys\internal", Yet it is as important as the external folder.
What do you mean it doesn't read it? The module .sprx's go in the external folder, as BlackDaemon explained.
? I know, but module is also here Internal folder
Dante38490, i had discussion with DH long ago, if i remember correctly, he said, that modules in Internal folder not used by GameOS, so it's not needed.
(12-15-2015, 10:59 AM)BlackDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]Dante38490, i had discussion with DH long ago, if i remember correctly, he said, that modules in Internal folder not used by GameOS, so it's not needed.
Oh ok
But how that works actually. Is that means that some code doesnt need to be emulated, rpcs3 just use code of decrypted external sprx? Or just emu itself cannot decrypt sprx files on the fly, yet?
What when game comes with own sprx files?
I tried first random game with cell spurs wait flag and it started work with LLE modules. Awsome.
I have sprx and elf . Do i need to decrypt it ? And , how i can do it , some program or something else?
(12-16-2015, 07:14 AM)ps0ne Wrote: [ -> ]But how that works actually. Is that means that some code doesnt need to be emulated, rpcs3 just use code of decrypted external sprx? Or just emu itself cannot decrypt sprx files on the fly, yet?
What when game comes with own sprx files?
I tried first random game with cell spurs wait flag and it started work with LLE modules. Awsome.
It emulates the modules, as they are on the PS3. It's likely quite a bit slower, than HLE - especially some modules, like video playback.
Not exactly sure what you mean by decrypting on the fly - it can do that, as evidenced by you being able to decrypt them.
The .sprx files are "modules". Games can have their own modules, AFAIK. For example, a game developer could have a "Common" module, that would include code for different calculations, in a simplified form, so instead of writing 60 lines of code, they could write only 1 or 2, by using the method that they implemented in their "Common" module. That's how I think it works - haven't made a test sample, that uses that myself.
(12-16-2015, 03:17 PM)Depem0n Wrote: [ -> ]I have sprx and elf . Do i need to decrypt it ? And , how i can do it , some program or something else?
You need to decrypt them, as BlackDaemon explained.
Thanks for your answer. Just to note, edats are automatically decrypted to dat and put in place of edat.
Sdats and srpx have to be manually decrypted, renamed and copied over.
(12-16-2015, 05:41 PM)ps0ne Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for your answer. Just to note, edats are automatically decrypted to dat and put in place of edat.
Sdats and srpx have to be manually decrypted, renamed and copied over.
SDAT decryption is currently not supported.
About .sprx decryption - I might be wrong, as I don't exactly know much about the .sprx decryption, so feel free to correct me. AFAIK, the .sprx files are going to be only decrypted on the fly, if the game loads tries to load a .sprx and it's encrypted, but support for even loading .sprx's in HLE isn't there.
And automatically decrypting OS .sprx's doesn't make sense, as the games should never load them. If you want your OS .sprx's to be decrypted, you're going to have to tell RPCS3, that that's what you want. We can't and shouldn't go on a rampage of decrypting all .sprx's we find in your filesystem.
What benefit does the LLE provide? I'm guessing more accurate/expensive emulation?
(12-17-2015, 01:58 AM)makotech222 Wrote: [ -> ]What benefit does the LLE provide? I'm guessing more accurate/expensive emulation?
More accurate emulation, at the expense of speed.