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Full Version: Requisiment for ps3 emulator
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With these requirements could go ps3 emulator at full speed ?
Mi PC:
Intel i7 4790
16 GB Ram
8 GB in AMD R9 390

P.d: And Xbox 360 emulator works or not is none good ? Can I work at full speed?


If developers make good optimization for emulator then yes.


(12-03-2015, 05:20 PM)Ru4slan Wrote: [ -> ]If developers make good optimization for emulator then yes.

My guess is that the "optimization phase" wont be happening until in quite many years, when the emulator has started maturing.
It will also be dependant on the APIs and the technology, that will come out in the future.
(12-03-2015, 03:52 PM)xodago Wrote: [ -> ]With these requirements could go ps3 emulator at full speed ?
Mi PC:
Intel i7 4790
16 GB Ram
8 GB in AMD R9 390

P.d: And Xbox 360 emulator works or not is none good ? Can I work at full speed?

No and no.