01-04-2018, 09:09 PM
Pages: 1 2
04-19-2019, 04:16 AM
Ingame: works for a while, then after a few maps it cant handle it. Prolonged play on any map leads to corruption and crash.
60FPS is very attainable with slow spots. very few maps run slowly.
bloom in many maps or color issues.
https://pastebin.com/3cArdtqL [console]
https://pastebin.com/seY1eryS [tty]
https://pastebin.com/nisw7qMj [console] (ignore the name of the pastebin, I mislabeled it)
https://pastebin.com/aRMpgWqh [tty]
Running with SPU block size "giga" is interesting. there are some plays that seem to want to crash, but it recovers.
https://pastebin.com/RvH5yU6J [console]
https://pastebin.com/rGGtF22r [TTY]
05/17/2019 AM
https://pastebin.com/Mw8Rf72b (safe) 8134
https://pastebin.com/zJcpqi0d (mega) [best] 8134
https://pastebin.com/Ssupa0Gz (giga) [worst] 8134
5/17/2019 PM (what happened?...) not as stable.
https://pastebin.com/G3RuCvAH Mega 8143 [retest]
all races can now be completed. (zonebattles were the last ones) a clearing of the spu ppu and shader cache is required after most crashes though.
Not any more :/
08/xx/2019 Game is unplayable again.
08/21/2019 8561 wont even load now. :/
9/26/2019 game not loading. 8777
"E {RSX [0x001105c]} RSX: nv406e:
emaphore_acquire has timed out. semaphore_address=0x50300010"
Fixed by: https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/6654
FIOS issue persists.
clear all caches. fios issue appears fixed
9/27/2019 Retest:1
new issue.
9/27/2019 Retest 2 8794 [game is crashed, audio keeps going on main screen... then crashes as well]
9/28/2019 8802 same as previous
10/12/2019 8863 game freezes/crashes at main menu. Unplayable. vulkan/opengl
10/14/2019 playable again, audio is pretty broken, minor graphic issues. crashed at:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x0197d8c]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 108
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:46)
11/09/2019 playable again. audio still broken, shader caching is even more prevelant.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x05582dc]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 124
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:36)
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x050b61c]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 108
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:36)
retested in 9112 11/09/2019 same issues with audio and crashing
11/10/2019 9122
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x05608c4]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: [attrib buffer] Working buffer not big enough, buffer_length=67108864 allocated=873984 requested=1013333076 guard=4194304 largest_pool=1732096
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\Common\ring_buffer_helper.h:91)
11/20/2019 [didn't even make it a month again......]
RPCS3 v0.0.7-9160-8d5ef2c7 Alpha | HEAD | Firmware version: 4.85
01/29/2020 game runs. no audio in races.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x00f5558]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown comparison function 0x1680
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:103)
Game has: stringtable.xml issues
Ingame: works for a while, then after a few maps it cant handle it. Prolonged play on any map leads to corruption and crash.
60FPS is very attainable with slow spots. very few maps run slowly.
bloom in many maps or color issues.
https://pastebin.com/3cArdtqL [console]
https://pastebin.com/seY1eryS [tty]
https://pastebin.com/nisw7qMj [console] (ignore the name of the pastebin, I mislabeled it)
https://pastebin.com/aRMpgWqh [tty]
Running with SPU block size "giga" is interesting. there are some plays that seem to want to crash, but it recovers.
https://pastebin.com/RvH5yU6J [console]
https://pastebin.com/rGGtF22r [TTY]
05/17/2019 AM
https://pastebin.com/Mw8Rf72b (safe) 8134
https://pastebin.com/zJcpqi0d (mega) [best] 8134
https://pastebin.com/Ssupa0Gz (giga) [worst] 8134
5/17/2019 PM (what happened?...) not as stable.
https://pastebin.com/G3RuCvAH Mega 8143 [retest]
all races can now be completed. (zonebattles were the last ones) a clearing of the spu ppu and shader cache is required after most crashes though.
Not any more :/
08/xx/2019 Game is unplayable again.
08/21/2019 8561 wont even load now. :/
9/26/2019 game not loading. 8777
"E {RSX [0x001105c]} RSX: nv406e:

Fixed by: https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/pull/6654
FIOS issue persists.
clear all caches. fios issue appears fixed
9/27/2019 Retest:1
new issue.
9/27/2019 Retest 2 8794 [game is crashed, audio keeps going on main screen... then crashes as well]
9/28/2019 8802 same as previous
10/12/2019 8863 game freezes/crashes at main menu. Unplayable. vulkan/opengl
10/14/2019 playable again, audio is pretty broken, minor graphic issues. crashed at:
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x0197d8c]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 108
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:46)
11/09/2019 playable again. audio still broken, shader caching is even more prevelant.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x05582dc]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 124
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:36)
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x050b61c]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown primitive type 108
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:36)
retested in 9112 11/09/2019 same issues with audio and crashing
11/10/2019 9122
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x05608c4]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: [attrib buffer] Working buffer not big enough, buffer_length=67108864 allocated=873984 requested=1013333076 guard=4194304 largest_pool=1732096
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\Common\ring_buffer_helper.h:91)
11/20/2019 [didn't even make it a month again......]
RPCS3 v0.0.7-9160-8d5ef2c7 Alpha | HEAD | Firmware version: 4.85
01/29/2020 game runs. no audio in races.
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
F {RSX [0x00f5558]} RSX: class std::runtime_error thrown: Unknown comparison function 0x1680
(in file C:\projects\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\gcm_enums.cpp:103)
Game has: stringtable.xml issues
09-26-2021, 01:20 PM
- SYS: RPCS3 v0.0.18-12825-b217e838 Alpha | HEAD
- SYS: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor | 16 Threads | 31.93 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.800GHz | AVX+ | FMA3
- SYS: Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 19043, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
- RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER' running on driver 471.96.0.0
- SYS: Firmware version: 4.87
Status: Playable
Same as digital versions. Game runs at 60fps by default but I was still getting over 100fps after changing VBlank rate to 120hz so it'll definitely run fine at defaults. In races the performance drops but it is still well above 60fps.
As per wiki, requires Write Color Buffers to fix excessive brightness in some stages. This game also benefits from Relaxed ZCULL sync.
- SYS: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor | 16 Threads | 31.93 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.800GHz | AVX+ | FMA3
- SYS: Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 19043, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
- RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER' running on driver 471.96.0.0
- SYS: Firmware version: 4.87
Status: Playable
Same as digital versions. Game runs at 60fps by default but I was still getting over 100fps after changing VBlank rate to 120hz so it'll definitely run fine at defaults. In races the performance drops but it is still well above 60fps.
As per wiki, requires Write Color Buffers to fix excessive brightness in some stages. This game also benefits from Relaxed ZCULL sync.
05-30-2022, 08:19 AM
I really have to question how thorough the testing was here. as I still have the same issues three years later.
- SYS: RPCS3 v0.0.22-13664-8b6f68ab Alpha | master
- SYS: Intel® Core i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz | 12 Threads | 31.90 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.696GHz | AVX+ | FMA3 | TSX-FA disabled by default
- SYS: Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 19044, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
- SYS: Current Time: 2022-05-30T03:13:22
- RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' running on driver 512.95.0.0
- SYS: Firmware version: 4.85 even tried 4.89 for fun.
Status: same as it was three years ago. https://imgur.com/a/6g9eigZ save data just for kicks: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9nmnzqn3j...-.rar/file
LOG: https://pastebin.com/pPwnwJSn
- SYS: RPCS3 v0.0.22-13664-8b6f68ab Alpha | master
- SYS: Intel® Core i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz | 12 Threads | 31.90 GiB RAM | TSC: 3.696GHz | AVX+ | FMA3 | TSX-FA disabled by default
- SYS: Operating system: Windows, Major: 10, Minor: 0, Build: 19044, Service Pack: none, Compatibility mode: 0
- SYS: Current Time: 2022-05-30T03:13:22
- RSX: Found vulkan-compatible GPU: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti' running on driver 512.95.0.0
- SYS: Firmware version: 4.85 even tried 4.89 for fun.
Status: same as it was three years ago. https://imgur.com/a/6g9eigZ save data just for kicks: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9nmnzqn3j...-.rar/file
LOG: https://pastebin.com/pPwnwJSn
05-30-2022, 03:55 PM
The log file you posted has nothing useful in it, upload the full file generated by RPCS3 when it is closed instead of just copy-pasting some irrelevant stuff out of the GUI
04-16-2024, 10:36 PM
This game no longer starts.
04-17-2024, 02:58 AM
(04-16-2024, 10:36 PM)CasePB Wrote: [ -> ]This game no longer starts.I had to change the SPU Decoder to ASJMIT. The game would random crash on me, but after changing that. I've had no problems. Maybe try that setting?
Pages: 1 2