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Full Version: Killzone 3 Open Beta (Demo)
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game just outputs some debug log and crashes unable to get RSX Debugger Adresses

[Image: Untitled.png]
Not loadable or interesting in any way. http://www.emunewz.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=163224




(09-19-2015, 10:05 PM)MrRg52 Wrote: [ -> ]game just outputs some debug log and crashes unable to get RSX Debugger Adresses

Please at least add the game ID to the title and include the full log file.


sorry here

SPU JIT initialization...

Title: Killzoneā„¢3 Open Beta
Title ID: NPHA80142

========== SPU FUNCTION 0x00818 - 0x00820 ==========

[00000818] 00 00 00 03: stop 0x3
[0000081c] 00 00 00 00: stop 0x0

L0: ; | ..
push rbx ; 53 |
push rbp ; 55 |
sub rsp, 40 ; 4883EC28 |
mov rbp, rcx ; 488BE9 | [Move] cpu
mov rbx, rdx ; 488BDA | [Move] ls
L2: ; | ..
; Block:
; [00000818] 00 00 00 03: stop 0x3
mov dword ptr [rbp+4480], 2072 ; C7858011000018080000| mov [cpu+4480], 2072 r.
mov edx, 3 ; BA03000000 |
mov r8, 8596366096 ; 49B81023620002000000|
mov rcx, rbp ; 488BCD | [Duplicate] cpu
call 8597881552 ; 40E800000000 | r.w
test eax, eax ; 85C0 | test addr, addr ..r
jnz L5 ; 0F85........ | jnz L5 ...
; [0000081c] 00 00 00 00: stop 0x0
mov dword ptr [rbp+4480], 2076 ; C785801100001C080000| mov [cpu+4480], 2076 r.
mov edx, 0 ; BA00000000 |
mov r8, 8596366096 ; 49B81023620002000000|
mov rcx, rbp ; 488BCD | [Duplicate] cpu
call 8597881552 ; 40E800000000 | r.w
test eax, eax ; 85C0 | test addr, addr ..r
jnz L5 ; 0F85........ | jnz L5 ...
L3: ; | ..
; Fallthrough:
mov eax, 2080 ; B820080000 | mov addr, 2080 ..w
jmp L5 ; E9........ | jmp L5 ...
L5: ; | ...
L1: ; |
add rsp, 40 ; 4883C428 |
pop rbp ; 5D |
pop rbx ; 5B |
ret ; C3 |
; Trampoline 2007942D0
; Trampoline 2007942D0


(09-21-2015, 06:21 PM)MrRg52 Wrote: [ -> ]sorry here
*insert pointless and unneeded boolshit here*

As you still have failed to read the guidelines for submitting games and providing the appropriate and applicable log files as described there, I have issued you a warning. I have locked the thread and moved it to the general discussion. Once you have read the actual guidelines and are capable of providing the appropriate log files and including the proper info and using the most proper settings, please make a new post.