05-07-2015, 05:53 PM
05-09-2015, 04:53 AM
According to your video it is really loadable and have graphics. Well .. besides some Graphics glitches..
If you hope it can be dealt please attach your rpcs3.log so devs can take a look at it.
RSX rendering is buggy now as you see, and poorly no proper documents found for it (about detail).
So please get your log. Some repeatable errors or TODOs may tell us what that is.
If you hope it can be dealt please attach your rpcs3.log so devs can take a look at it.
RSX rendering is buggy now as you see, and poorly no proper documents found for it (about detail).
So please get your log. Some repeatable errors or TODOs may tell us what that is.
05-09-2015, 06:31 AM
(05-07-2015, 05:53 PM)Yagami Light9 Wrote: [ -> ]Not works for me, i have this error
Quote:E Unimplemented function 'UTF32stoUTF8s' in 'cellL10n' module (0x24cd1c)
E 'BreakPoints.dat' is broken (version=0xda90, break_count=0x0, marked_count=0xf6bf98c8, length=0x6)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024c7fc]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (9)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d5bc]} sceNp error: sceNpManagerRegisterCallback
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d7bc]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyCreateHandle(handle_addr=0xd001f21c)
E {PPU[0x23] Thread (2e200030)[0x0014ef98]} Exception: Access violation reading location 0x28
E {PPU[0x23] Thread (2e200030)[0x0014ef98]} Information: is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0x0 ()
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d85c]} sceNpTrophy error: sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d7bc]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyCreateHandle(handle_addr=0xd001f214)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d85c]} sceNpTrophy error: sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d03c]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
Yagami Light9
05-09-2015, 08:25 AM
Working For me 
PPU Interprpreter 2 CPU
SPU Interprpreter 2 SPU
[Image: 81961f56.jpg]

PPU Interprpreter 2 CPU
SPU Interprpreter 2 SPU
Quote:E Unimplemented function 'UTF32stoUTF8s' in 'cellL10n' module (0x24cd1c)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024c7fc]} cellGcmSys error: cellGcmSetTileInfo: bad compression mode! (9)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d5bc]} sceNp error: sceNpManagerRegisterCallback
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d7bc]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyCreateHandle(handle_addr=0xd001f21c)
E {PPU[0x23] Thread (2e200030)[0x0014ef98]} Exception: Access violation reading location 0x28
E {PPU[0x23] Thread (2e200030)[0x0014ef98]} Information: is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0x0 ()
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d85c]} sceNpTrophy error: sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d7bc]} sceNpTrophy TODO: sceNpTrophyCreateHandle(handle_addr=0xd001f214)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d85c]} sceNpTrophy error: sceNpTrophyDestroyHandle
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024d03c]} sys_spu TODO: Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024cc5c]} sys_fs error: sys_fs_open('/dev_flash/sys/external/flashATRAC.pic'): failed to open file (flags=0, mode=0)
E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x0024cc7c]} sys_fs error: sys_fs_stat('/dev_hdd0/game/NPEB01337/USRDIR/dlc/') failed: not found
[Image: 81961f56.jpg]
05-09-2015, 01:11 PM
sceNp, sceNpClan, and Trophy are all related to Online Plays. I assume that cause no severe problems in most cases (Not MMO).
If you have "flashATRAC.pic" please place that in correct position. If not you can get it from your console, or PUP unpacking.
Exception: Access violation reading location 0x28
Don't know about this. However I've seen similiar issue in your other post. Hope it could be solved in newer pulls.
Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
SPU isn't documented well - its internals are protected by Sony, RE is most reasonable way.
Have already seen many situations involved such an issue. Don't know what that is exactly.
This should be ignorable, right? Except some Games that ask for DLC to start (There should be none in console games).
If you have "flashATRAC.pic" please place that in correct position. If not you can get it from your console, or PUP unpacking.
Exception: Access violation reading location 0x28
Don't know about this. However I've seen similiar issue in your other post. Hope it could be solved in newer pulls.
Unsupported SPU Thread options (0x2)
SPU isn't documented well - its internals are protected by Sony, RE is most reasonable way.
Have already seen many situations involved such an issue. Don't know what that is exactly.
This should be ignorable, right? Except some Games that ask for DLC to start (There should be none in console games).
02-05-2017, 08:15 PM
Fully playable now.
Fully playable now.
02-05-2017, 09:26 PM
Does save/load work? Will move to playable in that case.
02-05-2017, 09:42 PM
Yes it loads the last level you were playing, the game auto-saves after every level is finished.
02-10-2017, 04:19 AM
One of my fav games. Working well for me on free spins. Im used to everything not working perfect (been at this for a long time) so im really happy the game is in this state. Loads works well for me too. Only had it crashing 1 time but not sure if it was the game or my system.
04-23-2017, 07:02 PM
(02-10-2017, 04:19 AM)EmuGeorge Wrote: [ -> ]One of my fav games. Working well for me on. Im used to everything not working perfect (been at this for a long time) so im really happy the game is in this state. Loads works well for me too. Only had it crashing 1 time but not sure if it was the game or my system.
The Game is not playing with new release v002 :-(
Can you help me please