Hello, could you explain this ? Every time when i look at Closed request
https://github.com/DHrpcs3/rpcs3/pulls?q...s%3Aclosed i see that only a few commits goes though the Travis CI build successfully. So the others commits are not include in "every days" builds by autobot ?
Travis CI isn't related to buildbot (autobot? Transformers?). It just builds pull requests/master automatically to make sure the project is compiling without errors. Build bot makes new build on every new commit/merge to master.
(03-11-2015, 06:21 PM)flashmozzg Wrote: [ -> ]Travis CI isn't related to buildbot (autobot? Transformers?). It just builds pull requests/master automatically to make sure the project is compiling without errors. Build bot makes new build on every new commit/merge to master.
Thanks for the answer. (autobot? Transformers?)

like that name better than buildbot, sorry.