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Full Version: Heavenly Sword demo [NPUA80103]
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Game (this is DEMO) shows textures in rsx debugger. Something is going on underneath, many new threads, game just loops at - HLE: E {PPU[354] Thread (FpPadThread)[0x00af27a8]} sys_event TODO: sys_event_queue_tryreceive(equeue_id=353, event_array_addr=0xd012fcb8, size=8, number_addr=0xd012fcb0)
Playing bughunter, i found another register error?

Interpreter 2 - E {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Exception: ppu_interpreter::MFVSCR

HLE: ! path: /dev_hdd0/game/
HLE: W No pause.bin found, Auto Pause will not work.
HLE: W No pause.bin found, Auto Pause will not work.
LDR: ! Loading 'E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUA80103/USRDIR/BOOT.BIN'...
LDR: !  
LDR: ! Mount info:
LDR: ! /dev_usb000/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
LDR: ! /dev_flash/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_flash/
LDR: ! /host_root/ ->
LDR: ! /dev_hdd0/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/
LDR: ! /dev_hdd1/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd1/
LDR: ! /dev_bdvd/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_hdd0/game/NPUA80103/../
LDR: ! /dev_usb/ -> E:/dyskfgry/emu/Emulatory PS3/rpcs3/dev_usb000/
LDR: !  
LDR: ! Title: Heavenly Sword™ Demo
LDR: ! Serial: NPUA80103
LDR: !  
LDR: ! loader::init() failed: Broken file
MEM: ! Initializing memory: g_base_addr = 0x1416b0000, g_priv_addr = 0x2416b0000
MEM: ! Memory initialized.
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmAddressToOffset' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1a544)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetControlRegister' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1a564)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetConfiguration' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1a584)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetUserHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ab44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetQueueHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ab64)
LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmInitBody' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ab84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetOffsetTable' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1aba4)
LDR: ! Imported function '_cellGcmFunc15' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1abc4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipMode' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1abe4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetDebugOutputLevel' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ac04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetWaitFlip' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ac24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmMapMainMemory' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ac44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ac64)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetDisplayBuffer' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ac84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetVBlankHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1aca4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlipImmediate' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1acc4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetInvalidateTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ace4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetGraphicsHandler' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ad04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetTile' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ad24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetZcull' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ad44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmSetFlip' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ad64)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellGcmGetLabelAddress' in 'cellGcmSys' module (0xe1ad84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_initialize_network_ex' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a5a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'listen' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a5c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'socketselect' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a5e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'connect' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a604)
LDR: ! Imported function 'socketclose' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a624)
LDR: ! Imported function 'setsockopt' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a644)
LDR: ! Imported function 'socket' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a664)
LDR: ! Imported function 'bind' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a684)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_show_ifconfig' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a6a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_net_finalize_network' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a6c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'accept' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a6e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'inet_addr' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a704)
LDR: ! Imported function 'send' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a724)
LDR: ! Imported function 'recv' in 'sys_net' module (0xe1a744)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1a764)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursFinalize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1a784)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursRequestIdleSpu' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b064)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursGetInfo' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b084)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b0a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagWait' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b0c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursDetachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b0e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b104)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursRemoveWorkload' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b124)
LDR: ! Imported function '_cellSpursEventFlagInitialize' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b144)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursWaitForWorkloadShutdown' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b164)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursAddWorkload' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b184)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursSetPriorities' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b1a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b1c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownWorkload' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b1e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursJoinTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b204)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursShutdownTaskset' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b224)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursAttachLv2EventQueue' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b244)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursCreateTask' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b264)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursSetExceptionEventHandler' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b284)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursEventFlagSet' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b2a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSpursReadyCountStore' in 'cellSpurs' module (0xe1b2c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsClose' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a7a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsOpendir' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a7c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsRead' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a7e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsReaddir' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a804)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsOpen' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a824)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsStat' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a844)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsUnlink' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a864)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsLseek' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a884)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsMkdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a8a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsTruncate' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a8c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsWrite' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a8e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsFstat' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a904)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsClosedir' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1a924)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsRmdir' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1b584)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellFsFsync' in 'sys_fs' module (0xe1b5a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlTerm' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0xe1a944)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetState' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0xe1a964)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlInit' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0xe1a984)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellNetCtlGetInfo' in 'cellNetCtl' module (0xe1b644)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilUnregisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1a9a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilCheckCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1a9c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilGetSystemParamInt' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1a9e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoSave2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aa04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellHddGameCheck' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aa24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysutilRegisterCallback' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aa44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutGetSoundAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aa64)
LDR: E Unimplemented function 'cellMsgDialogOpen' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aa84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSaveDataAutoLoad2' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1aaa4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1b664)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioOutConfigure' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1b684)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetState' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1b6a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolutionAvailability' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1b6c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellVideoOutGetResolution' in 'cellSysutil' module (0xe1b6e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleUnloadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0xe1aac4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleLoadModule' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0xe1aae4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleInitialize' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0xe1ab04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSysmoduleFinalize' in 'cellSysmodule' module (0xe1ab24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadInfoPressMode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ada4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadInit' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1adc4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbGetConfiguration' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ade4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbClearBuf' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ae04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ae24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ae44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ae64)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseClearBuf' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1ae84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbInit' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1aea4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbCnvRawCode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1aec4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1aee4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseGetInfo' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1af04)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadInfoSensorMode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1af24)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadGetData' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1af44)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbSetCodeType' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1af64)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadSetSensorMode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1af84)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1afa4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseInit' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1afc4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbSetReadMode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1afe4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellMouseEnd' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1b004)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellPadSetPressMode' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1b024)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellKbRead' in 'sys_io' module (0xe1b044)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioInit' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b2e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortClose' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b304)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortStop' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b324)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioGetPortConfig' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b344)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortStart' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b364)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioQuit' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b384)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAudioPortOpen' in 'cellAudio' module (0xe1b3a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetBitrate' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b3c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetChannel' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b3e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetStreamDataInfo' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b404)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracAddStreamData' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b424)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetMaxSample' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b444)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracSetDataAndGetMemSize' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b464)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracDeleteDecoder' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b484)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracResetPlayPosition' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b4a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracSetLoopNum' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b4c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracDecode' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b4e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetBufferInfoForResetting' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b504)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetSoundInfo' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b524)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracGetRemainFrame' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b544)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellAtracCreateDecoder' in 'cellAtrac' module (0xe1b564)
LDR: W Unknown module 'cellSync'
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexLock' in 'cellSync' module (0xe1b5c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexUnlock' in 'cellSync' module (0xe1b5e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexInitialize' in 'cellSync' module (0xe1b604)
LDR: ! Imported function 'cellSyncMutexTryLock' in 'cellSync' module (0xe1b624)
LDR: W Unknown module 'cellKey2char'
LDR: E Unimplemented function 'cellKey2CharClose' in 'cellKey2char' module (0xe1b704)
LDR: E Unimplemented function 'cellKey2CharGetChar' in 'cellKey2char' module (0xe1b724)
LDR: E Unimplemented function 'cellKey2CharOpen' in 'cellKey2char' module (0xe1b744)
LDR: E Unimplemented function 'cellKey2CharSetMode' in 'cellKey2char' module (0xe1b764)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_lock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b784)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_unlock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b7a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b7c4)
LDR: ! Imported function '_sys_process_atexitspawn' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b7e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_create' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b804)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_get_id' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b824)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_process_is_stack' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b844)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_initialize_tls' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b864)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_time_get_system_time' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b884)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_prx_exitspawn_with_level' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b8a4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_trylock' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b8c4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_ppu_thread_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b8e4)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_lwmutex_destroy' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b904)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_spu_image_close' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b924)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_process_exit' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b944)
LDR: ! Imported function 'sys_spu_image_import' in 'sysPrxForUser' module (0xe1b964)
HLE: ! sysPrxForUser: Thread Local Storage initialized (g_tls_start=0xee9000, user_size=0x204)
*** TLS segment addr: 0x00ee3fa0
*** TLS segment size: 0x00000008
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x103ca3f8, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x103ca410, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000020, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000050, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000080, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200000b0, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x200000e0, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000110, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x20000140, attr=*0x1006566c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00604710]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info_addr=0xd000fb80)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1ab04]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleInitialize()
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0010: CELL_SYSMODULE_GCM_SYS)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0017: CELL_SYSMODULE_IO)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0000: CELL_SYSMODULE_NET)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000a: CELL_SYSMODULE_SPURS)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x001c: CELL_SYSMODULE_USBD)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000e: CELL_SYSMODULE_FS)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x000d: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYNC)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0014: CELL_SYSMODULE_NETCTL)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1aae4]} cellSysmodule: cellSysmoduleLoadModule(id=0x0015: CELL_SYSMODULE_SYSUTIL)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00604790]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info_addr=0xd000fb88)
TTY: PRX memory usage: 0K\n
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00dcff3c]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x103ca068, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x10345ae0, attr=*0xd000f980)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1033c158, attr=*0xd000fb60)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009f1910]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info_addr=0xd000f31c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009f1944]} sys_memory: sys_memory_container_create(cid_addr=0xd000f318, yield_size=0x400000)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009f1944]} sys_memory: *** memory_container created(addr=0xffffffff20100000): id = 15
TTY: ELF memory usage: 1.00Mb\n
TTY: OS memory usage:  3.00Mb\n
TTY: Container usage:  4.00Mb\n
TTY: ------------------------\n
TTY: Initial usage:    8.00Mb\n
TTY: Initial free:     200.00Mb\n
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x009f1a7c]} sys_memory: sys_memory_get_user_memory_size(mem_info_addr=0xd000f31c)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900068, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900098, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229000c8, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229000f8, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900128, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900158, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229001b8, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229001e8, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900218, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900248, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900278, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x229002a8, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x22900188, attr=*0xd000f2f0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1033c110, attr=*0xd000fb50)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1033c0d0, attr=*0xd000fb60)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1033b8b0, attr=*0xd000fb60)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1033b850, attr=*0xd000f980)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x10333650, attr=*0xd000f980)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1032a8b0, attr=*0xd000fb80)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0x1025de10, attr=*0xd000fb60)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00ae7388]} sys_mutex: sys_mutex_create(mutex_id=*0x10345f78, attr=*0xd000fbb0)
HLE: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00e1b804]} sysPrxForUser: sys_lwmutex_create(lwmutex=*0xd000fca8, attr=*0xd000fb50)
G: E {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Exception: ppu_interpreter::MFVSCR
G: E {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Information: is_alive=1, m_last_syscall=0x0 ()
G: W {PPU[1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Registers:
GPR[0] = 0x4bff4c
GPR[1] = 0xd000f8b0
GPR[2] = 0xeb2f20
GPR[3] = 0xd000fc60
GPR[4] = 0x0
GPR[5] = 0x265f0000
GPR[6] = 0x8
GPR[7] = 0x265f0398
GPR[8] = 0x3
GPR[9] = 0x265f03a8
GPR[10] = 0x265f03a0
GPR[11] = 0x5f0efc9
GPR[12] = 0x265f0038
GPR[13] = 0xef0030
GPR[14] = 0x0
GPR[15] = 0xee7000
GPR[16] = 0xee6000
GPR[17] = 0x0
GPR[18] = 0xee5000
GPR[19] = 0x100000
GPR[20] = 0x0
GPR[21] = 0x0
GPR[22] = 0x0
GPR[23] = 0x0
GPR[24] = 0x0
GPR[25] = 0x0
GPR[26] = 0x1
GPR[27] = 0x0
GPR[28] = 0xee7000
GPR[29] = 0x0
GPR[30] = 0x1
GPR[31] = 0xd000fc60
FPR[0] = 3.40282E+038
FPR[1] = 0.92388
FPR[2] = 0
FPR[3] = 0
FPR[4] = 0
FPR[5] = 0
FPR[6] = 0
FPR[7] = 0
FPR[8] = 0
FPR[9] = -3.40282E+038
FPR[10] = 0.154213
FPR[11] = -0.499999
FPR[12] = 0.707107
FPR[13] = -3.40282E+038
FPR[14] = 0
FPR[15] = 0
FPR[16] = 0
FPR[17] = 0
FPR[18] = 0
FPR[19] = 0
FPR[20] = 0
FPR[21] = 0
FPR[22] = 0
FPR[23] = 0
FPR[24] = 0
FPR[25] = 0
FPR[26] = 0
FPR[27] = 0
FPR[28] = 0
FPR[29] = 0
FPR[30] = 0
FPR[31] = 0
VPR[0] = 0xc00000003f000000c020000000000000 [x: -2 y: 0.5 z: -2.5 w: 0]
VPR[1] = 0x000000003f0000003dcccccd00000000 [x: 0 y: 0.5 z: 0.1 w: 0]
VPR[2] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[3] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[4] = 0x3f125345405299230000000000000000 [x: 0.571583 y: 3.2906 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[5] = 0xbea3fe78400e80870000000000000000 [x: -0.320301 y: 2.22659 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[6] = 0xbf1617d7404f980d0000000000000000 [x: -0.586301 y: 3.24366 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[7] = 0x3fca67474015a7ba0000000000000000 [x: 1.58128 y: 2.33836 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[8] = 0x3f16e09d404dec920000000000000000 [x: 0.589365 y: 3.21756 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[9] = 0xbfdf53813fc991d90000000000000000 [x: -1.74474 y: 1.57476 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[10] = 0xbfa727b44022fc1a8000000000000000 [x: -1.3059 y: 2.54664 z: -0 w: 0]
VPR[11] = 0xbfcc5e454014f1cf0000000000000000 [x: -1.59663 y: 2.32726 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[12] = 0xbf29a9544046a15e0000000000000000 [x: -0.66274 y: 3.1036 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[13] = 0x3fdd48933faf79de0000000000000000 [x: 1.72878 y: 1.37091 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[14] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[15] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[16] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[17] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[18] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[19] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[20] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[21] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[22] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[23] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[24] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[25] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[26] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[27] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[28] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[29] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[30] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[31] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
CR = 0x44000024
LR = 0x4bff4c
CTR = 0x0
XER = 0x20000000 [CA=1 | OV=0 | SO=4294967296]
FPSCR = 0x0 [RN=0 | NI=0 | XE=0 | ZE=0 | UE=0 | OE=0 | VE=0 | VXCVI=0 | VXSQRT=0 | VXSOFT=0 | FPRF=0 | FI=0 | FR=0 | VXVC=0 | VXIMZ=0 | VXZDZ=0 | VXIDI=0 | VXISI=0 | VXSNAN=0 | XX=0 | ZX=0 | UX=0 | OX=0 | VX=0 | FEX=0 | FX=0]
more detailed error for recompiler 2 :
! {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Registers:
GPR[0] = 0x4bff4c
GPR[1] = 0xd000f8b0
GPR[2] = 0xeb2f20
GPR[3] = 0xd000fc60
GPR[4] = 0x0
GPR[5] = 0x261f0000
GPR[6] = 0x8
GPR[7] = 0x261f0398
GPR[8] = 0x3
GPR[9] = 0x261f03a8
GPR[10] = 0x261f03a0
GPR[11] = 0x5f0efc9
GPR[12] = 0x261f0038
GPR[13] = 0xef0030
GPR[14] = 0x0
GPR[15] = 0xee7000
GPR[16] = 0xee6000
GPR[17] = 0x0
GPR[18] = 0xee5000
GPR[19] = 0x100000
GPR[20] = 0x0
GPR[21] = 0x0
GPR[22] = 0x0
GPR[23] = 0x0
GPR[24] = 0x0
GPR[25] = 0x0
GPR[26] = 0x1
GPR[27] = 0x0
GPR[28] = 0xee7000
GPR[29] = 0x0
GPR[30] = 0x1
GPR[31] = 0xd000fc60
FPR[0] = 3.40282E+38
FPR[1] = 0.92388
FPR[2] = 0
FPR[3] = 0
FPR[4] = 0
FPR[5] = 0
FPR[6] = 0
FPR[7] = 0
FPR[8] = 0
FPR[9] = -3.40282E+38
FPR[10] = 0.154213
FPR[11] = -0.499999
FPR[12] = 0.707107
FPR[13] = -3.40282E+38
FPR[14] = 0
FPR[15] = 0
FPR[16] = 0
FPR[17] = 0
FPR[18] = 0
FPR[19] = 0
FPR[20] = 0
FPR[21] = 0
FPR[22] = 0
FPR[23] = 0
FPR[24] = 0
FPR[25] = 0
FPR[26] = 0
FPR[27] = 0
FPR[28] = 0
FPR[29] = 0
FPR[30] = 0
FPR[31] = 0
VPR[0] = 0xc00000003f000000c020000000000000 [x: -2 y: 0.5 z: -2.5 w: 0]
VPR[1] = 0x000000003f0000003dcccccd00000000 [x: 0 y: 0.5 z: 0.1 w: 0]
VPR[2] = 0x000000000000000000000000540dfbc5 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 2.43926e+12]
VPR[3] = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[4] = 0x3f125345405299230000000000000000 [x: 0.571583 y: 3.2906 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[5] = 0xbea3fe78400e80870000000000000000 [x: -0.320301 y: 2.22659 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[6] = 0xbf1617d7404f980d0000000000000000 [x: -0.586301 y: 3.24366 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[7] = 0x3fca67474015a7ba0000000000000000 [x: 1.58128 y: 2.33836 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[8] = 0x3f16e09d404dec920000000000000000 [x: 0.589365 y: 3.21756 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[9] = 0xbfdf53813fc991d90000000000000000 [x: -1.74474 y: 1.57476 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[10] = 0xbfa727b44022fc1a8000000000000000 [x: -1.3059 y: 2.54664 z: -0 w: 0]
VPR[11] = 0xbfcc5e454014f1cf0000000000000000 [x: -1.59663 y: 2.32726 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[12] = 0xbf29a9544046a15e0000000000000000 [x: -0.66274 y: 3.1036 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[13] = 0x3fdd48933faf79de0000000000000000 [x: 1.72878 y: 1.37091 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[14] = 0x00000000540dfba90000000000002bba [x: 0 y: 2.43925e+12 z: 0 w: 1.56861e-41]
VPR[15] = 0x00000000540dfbc500000000540dfba9 [x: 0 y: 2.43926e+12 z: 0 w: 2.43925e+12]
VPR[16] = 0x0000787270732e636564787461626900 [x: 4.32076e-41 y: 3.01044e+29 z: 6.74326e+22 w: 2.61033e+20]
VPR[17] = 0x000000000000000f0000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 2.10195e-44 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[18] = 0x0000000000017ed62020202000000062 [x: 0 y: 1.37336e-40 z: 1.35632e-19 w: 1.37327e-43]
VPR[19] = 0x00000000540dfba900000000540dfba9 [x: 0 y: 2.43925e+12 z: 0 w: 2.43925e+12]
VPR[20] = 0x656478746162690000000000540dfbc6 [x: 6.74326e+22 y: 2.61033e+20 z: 0 w: 2.43926e+12]
VPR[21] = 0x000000000000000000787270732e3263 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 1.10613e-38 w: 1.38013e+31]
VPR[22] = 0x0000000000000062000000000000000f [x: 0 y: 1.37327e-43 z: 0 w: 2.10195e-44]
VPR[23] = 0x00000000540dfba900000000000186c9 [x: 0 y: 2.43925e+12 z: 0 w: 1.40187e-40]
VPR[24] = 0x00000000540dfbc600000000540dfba9 [x: 0 y: 2.43926e+12 z: 0 w: 2.43925e+12]
VPR[25] = 0x000000787270732e6f69647561626900 [x: 1.68156e-43 y: 4.7626e+30 z: 7.22315e+28 w: 2.61033e+20]
VPR[26] = 0x000000000000000f0000000000000000 [x: 0 y: 2.10195e-44 z: 0 w: 0]
VPR[27] = 0x0000000000003bae0000000000000062 [x: 0 y: 2.1409e-41 z: 0 w: 1.37327e-43]
VPR[28] = 0x00000000540dfba900000000540dfba9 [x: 0 y: 2.43925e+12 z: 0 w: 2.43925e+12]
VPR[29] = 0x656463766162690000000000540dfbc6 [x: 6.74084e+22 y: 2.61033e+20 z: 0 w: 2.43926e+12]
VPR[30] = 0x00000000000000000000787270732e63 [x: 0 y: 0 z: 4.32076e-41 w: 3.01044e+29]
VPR[31] = 0x0000000000000062000000000000000f [x: 0 y: 1.37327e-43 z: 0 w: 2.10195e-44]
CR = 0x44000024
LR = 0x4bff4c
CTR = 0x0
XER = 0x20000000 [CA=1 | OV=4294967296 | SO=0]
FPSCR = 0x0 [RN=0 | NI=0 | XE=0 | ZE=0 | UE=0 | OE=0 | VE=0 | VXCVI=0 | VXSQRT=0 | VXSOFT=0 | FPRF=0 | FI=0 | FR=0 | VXVC=0 | VXIMZ=0 | VXZDZ=0 | VXIDI=0 | VXISI=0 | VXSNAN=0 | XX=0 | ZX=0 | UX=0 | OX=0 | VX=0 | FEX=0 | FX=0]

E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x006070b0]} Exception:
(in file C:\rpcs3\rpcs3\Emu\Cell\PPUInterpreter.cpp:77, in function ppu_interpreter::MFVSCR)

Game run on interpreter1 and LLVM recomp
Interpreter1 triggers error
G: E {PPU[0x1] Thread (main_thread)[0x00ae9d84]} Exception: Trap! (tw 0x1f, r1, r1)
(in file c:\rpcs3\rpcs3\emu\cell\PPUInterpreter.h:2408, in function PPUInterpreter::TW)
and recompiler triggers that error only when i pause emulation.

Looks like game itself is aware of the problem, because it looks for gpuhang.bin file
New log.
I tried this demo after some discoveries with BCES

Game just stops processing after loading demo_attract.bik and opening audio port.

I cannot see any pictures, only black screen. Im jelaous. Maybe somebody need to try this demo with dx12.
It has same issue, like original disc version - after "Heavenly Sword" screen it says, that SIXAXIS controller not connected.

Edit: corrected thread title, and moved to Intro subforum.
Now games display at ogl and write to buffer enabled, but cant pass errors.

Post log just for debugging reasons.
Game makes it to the menu now


PPU: Interpreter(fast)
SPU: Interpreter(precise) ~ Required for enemies and asteroids to spawn
Renderer: Vulkan
Resolution: 1280x720
Audio: Xaudio2

LLE: Automatically load required libraries.


[Image: IcvVgEy.jpg]


Thanks for 3 threads tip
see https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/2717 if you want to test the game
Missing log / commit.


Menu and opening scene of the demo worked fine but then freezes while loading gameplay.
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