I was just thinking about why we don't have a Facebook page, so I created one. I have not published it yet, as I need the official Moderator's and Dev's permission to do so. It will bring more popularity and support to this project.
Sounds like the best idea ever in the most sarcastic way possible
No, we don't need that in my opinion. Github > all other social media.
^Agree with ssshadow, [facebook do not want]
(04-11-2014, 12:21 PM)AlexAltea Wrote: [ -> ]Facebook is a worthless pile of fucking shit. RPCS3 should not appear there, it would only waste our time.
Agreed. The community here knows what its talking about and its going at a good pace. we don't need a bunch of 12 year olds coming in and wondering why they cant play call of duty of gta 5.
??*?? Facebook! ?? ????? ??!
F*ck Facebook! Do not need it!
(Sorry for censor

i hate Facebook)
RPCS3 is still early in development, and having a bunch of uneducated people learning about a keeno-nifty PS3 emulator is more likely to hurt the project than help it. I'm pretty sure that just about everyone who can appreciate RPCS3 for what it is (a promising development in PS3 emulation, and not something you can use to play GTA V) already knows about it and diligently follows its progress.
I don't trust Facebook at all...
Why would RPCS3 need a Facebook page? We appreciate attention from real developers, but Facebook would only attract social media junkies.
If RPCS3 is going to succeed then we must avoid as much drama and sensationalism as possible.
(04-11-2014, 07:04 PM)Hykem Wrote: [ -> ]I don't trust Facebook at all...
Why would RPCS3 need a Facebook page? We appreciate attention from real developers, but Facebook would only attract social media junkies.
If RPCS3 is going to succeed then we must avoid as much drama and sensationalism as possible.
Acknowledged, Hykem.