Hi! Have some questions about rpcs3 wich is my most anticipated "PC game" xD (Sorry, Watch Dogs!)
I have a PS3 and have to say its my
favourite console to date but i have some Questions:
In the future RPCS3 will be ported to other operating systems (MAC,Linux,etc..) ???
Or is there a way that developers could make it easy to port/future proof so it can be ported later?
Will RPCS3 be ported to Android?
I know android is used most in phones/Tablets and its hardware is probably 10-20years from emulating it BUT it would be awesome if it happen sometime in the future (Since psvita cant emulate ps2/ps3 ...).
This emulator will have other languages?
If you want, i can help translate to Portuguese-Portugal
I know this emulator cant even play commercial games but when it can will you include Trophy system? And a way to view all Trophys later? (I love it on my ps3! It's so fun! xD)
Since most games on PS3 require to move the camera, and using the keyboard is really hard, can we use the mouse to control the 2nd analog stick?
And Left click = R1 and Right Click = L1 ? It would be awesome for shooters! (Killzone, Uncharted, Resistence, The Last of Us, etc..)
Will you Please make the emulator touch friendly? And add the option of Touch Controls?(Using the mouse) For example on Full windows 8 tablets you can play PS2 emulator BUT you need to plug a controller/keyboard 
You should make a interface similar to PPSSPP.
Game that runs natively 720p on the console can i play it(in the future) in this emulator in Full 1080p / 1440p / 2k ?
That would be awesome..

PC graphics on Uncharted 3...
Will MOVE controllers, camera and MOVE games work with this?
I never liked MOVE/KINECT but my sister make me buy it xD but i played Demo from Playstation Move Heroes, and it was really fun xD
Developers will give Official support on PS3 and X360 controllers? And make the whole emulator with an controller friendly interface? (Without the need of mouse/keyboard)
One last thing.. Will you focus on Exclusives compatibility first?
For example instead of making call of duty black ops (wich is already on pc) compatible, make god of war 3?
Sorry if something here is wrong but i'm not englhis and i dont understand how emulators work xD
( PLEASE DONT KILL ME XD,I KNOW THE EMULATOR WILL TAKE TIME 10-20 YEARS BUT I'M JUST ASKING! PS3 is my favourite console ever so i'm really excited for this emulator! )
Well it's too early to answer those questions.I'm sure it won't take 20 years to play comercial games O_O that's...too much time(well depends on how fast the emu progresses)
Thank you all for answering my questions
"I'm sure it won't take 20 years to play comercial games"
Maybe 10 years all games running full speed on PC and 15-20years all games full speed on android? I dont know... but PCSX2 (ps2 emu) took some time to get games running like they are now
"In short words: Linux: soon, Mac: some months?, Android: some years or maybe never?"
About the MAC port = I really dont have interest in it (but some people might have)
Linux: Thats good to hear

Linux is awesome and being an open platform is a good plus. BTW linux is being used even more for PC gaming since valve is launching the steam machines and porting more games to it.
Android: Since linux port is planned i dont see why android would be impossible since its linux-based(being "easy" to port), the only reason i see why this couldnt be possible(right now) is the lack of power on android devices. But they are getting better

(look at Tegra K1!)
"Probably yes, I would like to see this on RPCS3 since I always forget the keys binded to each button."
Really? Even the touch interface, being able to use the mouse for everything? Awesome!

Love that on PPSSPP.
"I don't know the answer for this one. Probably yes..."
Graphics, resolution and difference 30/60fps are not important but.. its always a bonus xD
I will be a happy man even without this feature
There are PS Move drivers for PC and we can implement all the related PS3 functions on RPCS3 in order to use it. But this is definitely *not* a priority.
Ok i understand, its also not something i wanted so badly xD
Yes, this should be possible. But it isn't a priority right now. In the meantime, you can use programs like Xpadder for the key mapping.
Yes i already have motioninjoy wich allows me to do that but official support would be better (could save people time from downloading the program and set buttons for all games)
The distinction between exclusive / not-exclusive is not important. If something is broken we will try to fix it independently of the platforms where the game was released. (However, it's possible that exclusive PS3 games attract more attention from developers).
Ok, i understand
Almost every question you asked its "theoretically possible" (unless the Android port I guess), but right now our #1 priority is to make stuff *run*, the #2 priority is to make stuff run *fast*. If enough people are interested on a PS3 emulator and contribute to RPCS3, we will be able to work on not-so-critical things, like MOVE support, better controls, more languages, cheats, or whatever thing that is possible under the laws of physics. All this will come sooner or later."
I hope for android port in the future (imagine playing ps3 on your phone = mindblow), since most emulators are already on it. (I read PCSX2 was being ported..)
I will add some of these questions to the FAQ
Thanks for the answers, i will keep visiting the forum for news
(02-02-2014, 12:01 AM)AlexAltea Wrote: [ -> ] (02-01-2014, 11:28 PM)rafaPS360gamer Wrote: [ -> ]@Zekro "I'm sure it won't take 20 years to play comercial games"
Maybe 10 years all games running full speed on PC and 15-20years all games full speed on android? I dont know... but PCSX2 (ps2 emu) took some time to get games running like they are now 
Saying "RPCS3 will take around X years because PCSX2 took X years" is wrong. That's what I tried to explain in my reply. We are different teams, with different skills, different coding style, and a different target, so extrapolating this information or take wild guesses is useless. I understand you probably read the "10~20 years estimation" somewhere on the Internet, but those who keep saying this bullshit haven't any single fact to support it.
A related question, how near having the first commercial game reach the intro/menu stage are we do you
think? And I don't mean "1 year", but how much of the code that needs to be written is actually done? Juts a rough number, like is the RSX 95 % incomplete or is the situation better than that?
Will RPCS3 be ported to Android?
PS3 Cell is a hungry system. Actual android machines are more toward energy-efficiency than performance. You need a quite powerful machine to emulate PS3 and run some commercial games in their original speeds. Most demos are okay as they don't use all the resources. While I'm pretty sure PS3 emulation can be done on powerful PC, I don't see it for standalone android handhelds.
Game that runs natively 720p on the console can i play it(in the future) in this emulator in Full 1080p / 1440p / 2k ?
huh? what do yo mean? if a game is designed for running natively 720p, you may not expect a big improvement by displaying in higher resolution because textures won't be bigger. Of course, the emulator can try to render into buffers or textures in higher dimensions but it might be too much cost of performance.
I know PPSSPP is using some tricks like XBRz to "beautify" the display rendering but that's because most PC has resource enough to do so with acceptable lost of fps.
PS3 Cell is a hungry system. Actual android machines are more toward energy-efficiency than performance. You need a quite powerful machine to emulate PS3 and run some commercial games in their original speeds. Most demos are okay as they don't use all the resources. While I'm pretty sure PS3 emulation can be done on powerful PC, I don't see it for standalone android handhelds.
Well if i told someone in 1995(year the ps1 came out)that i would be playing that same console in my phone with better textures and resolution, people would probably laugh at me. I'm sure in the future the hardware will get better

(C'mon a Wii and Gamecube emulator just got ported! Even if it doesnt run full speed!)
huh? what do yo mean? if a game is designed for running natively 720p, you may not expect a big improvement by displaying in higher resolution because textures won't be bigger. Of course, the emulator can try to render into buffers or textures in higher dimensions but it might be too much cost of performance.
I know PPSSPP is using some tricks like XBRz to "beautify" the display rendering but that's because most PC has resource enough to do so with acceptable lost of fps.
In most emulators there is an option to get better textures and upscale games to higher resolutions. Dbz Shin budokai looks WAY BETTER on my pc than it does on my PSP!
Long live RPCS3 !!!!
(02-03-2014, 06:53 PM)rafaPS360gamer Wrote: [ -> ]@hlide PS3 Cell is a hungry system. Actual android machines are more toward energy-efficiency than performance. You need a quite powerful machine to emulate PS3 and run some commercial games in their original speeds. Most demos are okay as they don't use all the resources. While I'm pretty sure PS3 emulation can be done on powerful PC, I don't see it for standalone android handhelds.
Well if i told someone in 1995(year the ps1 came out)that i would be playing that same console in my phone with better textures and resolution, people would probably laugh at me. I'm sure in the future the hardware will get better 
(C'mon a Wii and Gamecube emulator just got ported! Even if it doesnt run full speed!)
Yes, and you can just use Moores law to estimate when phones/tablets would be fast enough. The thing is that so far into the feature, we cannot even begin to speculate what kind of hardware and software those devices would run. Today it is mostly Android/iOS on ARM and OpenGL ES, but in 5 or 10 years? Could be anything. Could be full OpenGL on x86, or maybe something radically different. The point is that it would be a waste of time to code for current hardware/software, when iPhone 8 or whatever might as well use an ultra low power AMD APU with Mantle...
The usual Windows/Linux/Mac versions would probably be more important and interesting for now.
(02-03-2014, 07:31 PM)ssshadow Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, and you can just use Moores law to estimate when phones/tablets would be fast enough.
oh god! that Moore's law for processor frequency has not been valid any longer for a decade now. Look at the actual frequencies of intel and amd cpus, they are stuck now. It is not a coincidence that they try the multi-core roadmap instead. Unless they could find a great new kind of battery to feed a hungry handheld and keep it cool as much as possible without any fan or watercooling, you cannot expect the same thing as for a pc. My opinion is ps3 emulation will be history by the time handhelds will be able to compete with the current best pc.
(02-03-2014, 08:58 PM)hlide Wrote: [ -> ] (02-03-2014, 07:31 PM)ssshadow Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, and you can just use Moores law to estimate when phones/tablets would be fast enough.
oh god! that Moore law has not been valid any longer for a decade now. Look at the actual frequencies of intel and amd cpus, they are stuck now. It is not a coincidence that they try the multi-core roadmap instead. Unless they could find a great new kind of battery to feed a hungry handheld and keep it cool as much as possible without any fan or watercooling, you cannot expect the same thing as for a pc. My opinion is ps3 emulation will be history by the time handhelds will be able to compete with the current best pc.
Moore's law as commonly refereed to has nothing to do with clock frequency, but rather the number of transistors on a chip. Even if IPC does not improve, smaller transistors will give you more cores on the same die area, which does give you more performance at the same voltage (for certain applications, probably not this one, but whatever, this is generally speaking.).
And also, Moore's law has not been invalid for the last decade, it was in fact
completely valid until at least 2011 and
Intel already have 14 nm fabs ready for the next generation, so it all looks good to me. And BTW, even
current Haswell Core processors at 22 nm can bee cooled passively in Windows 8 tablets, with great performance. Broadwell will probably be even better in this regard, while improving performance further.
Let us look at the passive Haswell i5 further. It will run at a minimum of 1,6 ghz, is a dual core, and has 3 MB of cache. A desktop i5 is at about 3 ghz (base speed), is a quad core, and has 6 MB of cache. Both are of the same architecture. Let's say half the number of cores is half the performance, and half the clock speed is half the performance again. This is actually not that bad. If a desktop could emulate something at 60 fps, the tablet would be at 15. Unplayable, sure, but give it a simpler game, and a couple of years of performance improvements, and the tablet would not be that bad.
And this is assuming half the cores is half the performance, with for instance pcsx2 this is usually not the case.
I know but the fact is the closer the guest cpu frequency is to the host cpu frequency, the more difficult the emulator can reach a satisfying gameplay (unless IPC is reaching a far bigger number). The same happens for gpu, by the way. And yes, frequency is not alone. You'd better have adequate SIMD instructions for host cpu to emulate SIMD instructions of guest cpu. And so on. Those mobile Haswell/Broadwell cores are not running at the same frequency as the desktop ones because of the battery life, and Intel is not telling the exact truth about the real reduction in power consumption. In idling they must be excellent but in full charge it is still another story...