(01-01-2014, 12:39 AM)AlexAltea Wrote: [ -> ]I have no idea where did I save the original PKG so here goes the folder of dev_hdd0/game/. It's the same version that Chaoz27 mentioned on the first post. It should work good in the recent versions of RPCS3.

your version works, i dont get it, it shows almost the same error, but it works
With the lastest revision that makes Scogger Hd to be playable Avoidance graphics now have inverted colors.The background is nomore red but blue
The same happens with Doom II, that now goes ingame
[Image: O55Puvil.png]
This is the map
[Image: oX2tsu4l.png]
Sorry i put this here, can't find Doom topic
I can also confirm inverted colors.
(02-20-2014, 06:27 PM)ssshadow Wrote: [ -> ]I can also confirm inverted colors.
It reassures me I am not alone ^ ^
Now its loadable and it does show picture in rsx debugger.