Forum Announcement: Global Forum Rules

4,439 posts 110 threads Joined: Aug 2017
01-20-2017, 04:02 PM -
Welcome to the RPCS3 forums!

Forum Rules

Rule #1 - NO piracy: Asking for or providing commercial games illegal download links IS NOT ALLOWED! Discussing piracy practices is also not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to, asking where to download games, asking for help with pirated copies and mentioning any piracy websites or software tools. You can legally dump your games with our instructions at the Quickstart Guide (

Rule #2 - Be respectful: Users that show abusive/toxic behavior towards the project or the community will be banned.

Rule #3 - English only: As of now, only English is allowed in our forums. Other languages can be used in a context where it is required to do so (for example, using Japanese in order to refer to UI elements or sections of a Japanese game).

Rule #4 - SFW only: No NSFW content is allowed anywhere in our forums.

In case of no written rule, the discretion of moderators shall take precedence. Trying to evade or circumvent any of the above rules, will be considered as breaking them and you will be issued a warning/kick/ban.

Attachment Rules

Log files: You must compress your RPCS3.log file into a .7z or .gz file before attaching them to your post. Single archive size limit is 8MB.
Warning: Not everything that is logged to disc is displayed on the UI by default. Copying UI output to a .txt file and uploading it as if it was a log file is forbidden.

Images: You can either upload them to a website like Imgur and link them or upload them. Accepted formats are .jpeg, .jpg and .png. Single image size limit is 4MB.
Warning: You can not link base64 images as they're not fully supported by MyBB, doing so will grant you a warning.

Guidelines for submitting reports of PS3 Commercial Games

Guidelines for Asking for Support